indicator variables
indicator variables

Aspecialcaseofavariablewithmultiplecategoriesisanindicatorvariable.Thesevariablesaresometimesreferredtoalsoasbinaryordummyvariables.You ...,8.2-TheBasicsofIndicatorVariables.Abinarypredictorisavariablethattakesononlytwopossiblevalues.Hereareafewc...

8.2 - The Basics of Indicator Variables

8.2-TheBasicsofIndicatorVariables.Abinarypredictorisavariablethattakesononlytwopossiblevalues.Hereareafewcommonexamplesofbinary ...

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12.6 Indicator Variables

A special case of a variable with multiple categories is an indicator variable. These variables are sometimes referred to also as binary or dummy variables. You ...

8.2 - The Basics of Indicator Variables

8.2 - The Basics of Indicator Variables. A binary predictor is a variable that takes on only two possible values. Here are a few common examples of binary ...

Chapter 7 Using Indicator Variables

In R, an indicator variable is called factor, category, or ennumerated type and there is no distinction between binary (such as yes-no, or male-female) or ...

Chapter 8 Indicator Variables

These variables are called indicator variable or dummy variables. Usually, the indicator variables take on the values 0 and 1 to identify the mutually exclusive ...

Dummy variable (statistics)

Dummy variables are commonly used in regression analysis to represent categorical variables that have more than two levels, such as education level or ...

Indicator Variables

由 A Sen 著作 · 1990 — Indicator or dummy variables are variables that take only two values —0 and 1. Normally 1 represents the presence of some attribute and 0 its absence.

Stata | FAQ

A dummy variable is a variable that takes on the values 1 and 0; 1 means something is true (such as age < 25, sex is male, or in the category “very much”).

The Use of Dummy Variables in Regression Analysis

由 S Skrivanek 著作 · 2009 · 被引用 80 次 — What is a Dummy variable? A Dummy variable or Indicator Variable is an artificial variable created to represent an attribute with two or more distinct ...


Aspecialcaseofavariablewithmultiplecategoriesisanindicatorvariable.Thesevariablesaresometimesreferredtoalsoasbinaryordummyvariables.You ...,8.2-TheBasicsofIndicatorVariables.Abinarypredictorisavariablethattakesononlytwopossiblevalues.Hereareafewcommonexamplesofbinary ...,InR,anindicatorvariableiscalledfactor,category,orennumeratedtypeandthereisnodistinctionbetweenbinary(suchasyes-no,ormale-fem...